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Artists  Protonica

Label  Iboga Records

Protonica, the pioneering force in the realm of psy-trance is set to unveil his latest masterpiece 'Discovery'. This eagerly anticipated single promises to transport listeners on an awe-inspiring sonic expedition like never before. Guided by their signature blend of pulsating beats, ethereal melodies, and profound storytelling, Protonica invites fans to embark on a mind-altering odyssey through the depths of consciousness.


Protonica, the pioneering force in the realm of psy-trance is set to unveil his latest masterpiece 'Discovery'. This eagerly anticipated single promises to transport listeners on an awe-inspiring sonic expedition like never before. Guided by their signature blend of pulsating beats, ethereal melodies, and profound storytelling, Protonica invites fans to embark on a mind-altering odyssey through the depths of consciousness.

1. Discovery (Original Mix)

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