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Only in Dreams


Artists  Liquid Soul

Label  Iboga Records

Liquid Soul's latest single "Only in Dreams" takes us on a captivating journey through sound and emotion. Guided by flowing melodies and rolling basslines, the new single evokes dream-like states that blur imagination and reality. A masterful example of Liquid Soul's unique sound design mastery, Only in Dreams is both hypnotic and emotionally resonant, making it a testament to the power of music to transport the listener to new realms that transcend reality.

Only in Dreams

Liquid Soul's latest single "Only in Dreams" takes us on a captivating journey through sound and emotion. Guided by flowing melodies and rolling basslines, the new single evokes dream-like states that blur imagination and reality. A masterful example of Liquid Soul's unique sound design mastery, Only in Dreams is both hypnotic and emotionally resonant, making it a testament to the power of music to transport the listener to new realms that transcend reality.

1. Only in Dreams (Original mix)

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