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Artists  Herrhausen & Treindl

Label  Sofa Beats

Lyra is a small constellation of the northern sky, whose brightest star is Vega. It gives orientation and guides you through the unknown. This constellation holds another less visible attraction. Exactly between the stars β and γ is the famous Ring Nebula M57. A beautiful play of colors created by ionized gas.
Observing the sky in the night let you think how all is connected and consider that there is so much more than what we see. A glimpse of infinity.


Lyra is a small constellation of the northern sky, whose brightest star is Vega. It gives orientation and guides you through the unknown. This constellation holds another less visible attraction. Exactly between the stars β and γ is the famous Ring Nebula M57. A beautiful play of colors created by ionized gas.
Observing the sky in the night let you think how all is connected and consider that there is so much more than what we see. A glimpse of infinity.

3. Nebolus (Landhouse Remix)
Remixed by: Landhouse