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Fragments of Insanity


Artists  Gaudium

Label  Iboga Records

Gaudium drops the final single off the upcoming album 'Confused Miracles', as we journey closer towards the album release day. Tapping into the depths of his viking sound with rumbling basslines, new soundscapes and analogue feel, 'Fragments of Insanity' is a second glimpse into the behemoth power of the fresh Gaudium sound.

Fragments of Insanity

Gaudium drops the final single off the upcoming album 'Confused Miracles', as we journey closer towards the album release day. Tapping into the depths of his viking sound with rumbling basslines, new soundscapes and analogue feel, 'Fragments of Insanity' is a second glimpse into the behemoth power of the fresh Gaudium sound.

1. Fragments of Insanity

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