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Demiurg / Remembrance


Artists  Noosfære

Label  Sofa Beats

Electronic musician 'Noosfære' will release his new album "Synchro" on Iboga on 20 August 2018. The album is a collection of atmospheric, dreamy and melodic tracks, with glitchy beats and textures on top, which constitute a continuous musical journey through six musical motifs. These first two tracks off the album give some insight into the ethereal world of Noosfære.

Demiurg / Remembrance

Electronic musician 'Noosfære' will release his new album "Synchro" on Iboga on 20 August 2018. The album is a collection of atmospheric, dreamy and melodic tracks, with glitchy beats and textures on top, which constitute a continuous musical journey through six musical motifs. These first two tracks off the album give some insight into the ethereal world of Noosfære.

1. Demiurg
2. Remembrance