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Set: 12


Artists  Various Artists

Label  Iboga Trance

Set: 12

1. 51 (Original Mix)
2. Perfect Hook (Original Mix)
3. Different Reality (Original Mix)
4. Dragonfruit (Original Mix)
5. Dustortion (Original Mix)
6. Obsession (Original Mix)
7. 99 Calibre (Original Mix)
8. The Way Out (Original Mix)
9. Plato Caliente (Original Mix)
10. Bonfire (Ritmo Remix)
Remixed by: Ritmo
11. Never Odd or Even (Original Mix)
12. Function (Original Mix)
13. Torn Melodies (Original Mix)
14. Second Sunrise (Krusseldorf Remix)
Remixed by: Krusseldorf
15. Boundless (Original Mix)
16. Infused (Original Mix)
17. Soundglider (Original Mix)
18. Jelly Head (Original Mix)
19. Playground (Atmos Remix)
Remixed by: Atmos
20. Ice Age (Original Mix)
21. Fusion in Der Funktion (Fusion Edit)

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