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Tik Toxik


Artists  Basscannon, Headroom (SA)

Label  Iboga Records

Imagine a dystopian future where people have completely disassociated from reality and allow an AI driven algorithm to define their happiness. Oh wait, that's today! "Tik Toxik" encapsulates and resonates this imbalance . Headroom and Basscannon collaborate for the first time to bring this beat to boiling point with all the attitude and groove you'd expect from these two veterans.

Tik Toxik

Imagine a dystopian future where people have completely disassociated from reality and allow an AI driven algorithm to define their happiness. Oh wait, that's today! "Tik Toxik" encapsulates and resonates this imbalance . Headroom and Basscannon collaborate for the first time to bring this beat to boiling point with all the attitude and groove you'd expect from these two veterans.

1. Tik Toxik (Original mix)

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